How to remove multiple keys from a dictionary in Python

There are multiple scenarios where you may need to remove multiple keys from a dictionary in Python. For instance, when working with dictionaries, you might want to eliminate keys containing incorrect information or remove sensitive data before saving the dictionary to disk. In this article, we will explore different methods for removing multiple keys from a Python dictionary.

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Using the del() Method to Remove Keys from a Dictionary in Python

The simplest method is to use the del() function to remove keys and their corresponding values from a dictionary. The del statement can remove multiple keys from a dictionary one by one. To use this method, all we need to do is to use the del statement inside a for loop to remove each individual key from the dictionary.

Here is how you can do it:

# Define the original dictionary with various details
original_dict = {
    'favorite_food': 'Sushi',
    'birth_year': 1995,
    'hobby': 'Skydiving',
    'pet': 'Golden Retriever'

# Specify the keys to be removed
removing_keys = ["hobby", "pet"]

# Iterate through the keys to remove
for key in removing_keys:
    # Check if the key exists in the dictionary
    if key in original_dict:
        # If it exists, delete the key and its corresponding value
        del original_dict[key]

# Print the updated dictionary after removing keys
print("Updated original_dict after removing keys: \n", original_dict)
Updated original_dict after removing keys: 
 {'favorite_food': 'Sushi', 'birth_year': 1995}

In this code, the original_dict contains details about a person’s favorite food, birth year, hobby, and pet. It removes the keys “hobby” and “pet” from the dictionary, leaving behind the remaining information. The del statement is used inside the for loop to remove keys specified in the removing_keys from original_dict. The if key in original_dict check is used to prevent errors in case the keys specified in removing_keys are not found in the original_dict.

It is worth mentioning here that del statement inside the for loop removes multiple keys and modifies an original dictionary at the same time. Therefore, if you want to keep an original dictionary unchanged and create a dictionary that contains specified keys as well, consider using the comprehension method or other methods we’ll discuss in this article.

Using the pop() Method for Removing Keys from a Dictionary in Python

The pop() function does the same task as the del() function does in the dictionary in Python. With pop(), you can remove a specific key-value pair by providing the key as an argument. It not only removes the item but also returns its value, making it useful when you need to work with the removed data. If the specified key is not found, it raises a KeyError unless a default value is provided.

Consider an example to understand how you can use the pop() method. We have a dictionary containing student names as keys and their corresponding grades as values.

# Creating a dictionary of student grades
grades = {
    'Alice': 95,
    'Bob': 88,
    'Charlie': 72,
    'David': 90,
    'Eve': 85

# List of students who dropped the course
dropped_students = ['Charlie', 'Eve']

# Removing dropped students from the grades dictionary
for student in dropped_students:
    if student in grades:

# Displaying the modified grades dictionary
{'Alice': 95, 'Bob': 88, 'David': 90}

We use the pop() method to remove the students who dropped the course from the dictionary. In the code example above, the pop() method is used in combination with for loop to remove keys from a dictionary. The pop() function removes the keys specified in the list. The resulting dictionary will only include the students who are still enrolled.

This method is suitable when you are sure that the key exists in the dictionary, and you want to retrieve and remove its corresponding value. But, if key is not found, it raises a KeyError. This behavior can cause your program to terminate if the key doesn’t exist. To handle situations where you want to remove a key if it exists but avoid raising a KeyError if the key is not present, you can use the pop() method with a default value and check the return value.

# Creating a dictionary of student grades
grades = {
    'Alice': 95,
    'Bob': 88,
    'Charlie': 72,
    'David': 90,
    'Eve': 85

# List of students who dropped the course
dropped_students = ['Charlie', 'Ana',  'Eve']

# Loop through each student in the 'dropped_students' list
for key in dropped_students:
    # Use the 'pop' method with 'None' argument  to avoid KeyError if the student is not found
    grades.pop(key, None)

# Print the updated 'grades' dictionary after removing dropped students
{'Alice': 95, 'Bob': 88, 'David': 90}

The code in the above example removes students who have dropped the course from the grades dictionary and prints the updated dictionary without those students. The use of pop() with None as the second argument ensures that the code runs without errors even if some student names in the dropped_students list are not found in the grades dictionary.

Using popitem() method along with for loop

The popitem() function removes arbitrary key-value pairs from dictionary and return it as a tuple. This method does not require you to specify a key, as it removes and returns the last-inserted key-value pair in the dictionary.

If you want to remove multiple keys from a dictionary, you can call this method inside a for loop as many times as the number of keys you want to remove. On every iteration, the popitem() method removes the last key-value pair from the dictionary.

Here’s how the popitem() method works:

#Original Dictionary
my_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, 'd': 4, 'e': 5}

print("Removed key-value pairs:")

for i in range(2):
  # Remove and return an arbitrary key-value pair
  key_value_pair = my_dict.popitem()
  # This will print the removed key-value pair

# The dictionary will no longer contain the removed key-value pair
print("Modified List: ", my_dict) 
Removed key-value pairs:
('e', 5)
('d', 4)
Modified List:  {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

In the above example, popitem() deletes last-inserted key-value pairs, but it doesn’t guarantee any specific order for the keys. Keep in mind that if you need to remove a specific key-value pair from a dictionary, you should use the pop() method with the key you want to remove. However, popitem() is more suitable when you want to remove an item without specifying the key and don’t care about the order of removal.

Removing Dictionary Keys Using Dictionary Comprehensions in Python

Using dictionary comprehensions is another way to remove keys from a dictionary. It allows you to filter out specific keys based on a condition. In this method, we create a new empty dictionary, effectively removing all the keys from an original dictionary.

Here’s how you can use dictionary comprehensions to remove keys from a dictionary:

# Create an original dictionary with some key-value pairs
original_dict = {'key1': 'apple', 'key2': 'mango', 'key3': 'orange', 'key4': 'peach', 'key5': 'apricot' }

# Define a list of keys to be removed from the original dictionary
removing_keys = ['key2', 'key4']

# Print the original dictionary before removal
print("The original dictionary is = " + str(original_dict))

# Use a dictionary comprehension to create a new dictionary with keys not in the 'removing_keys' list
new_dict = {key: value for key, value in original_dict.items() if key not in removing_keys}

# Print the new dictionary after removal
print("The new dictionary is = " + str(new_dict))
The original dictionary is = {'key1': 'apple', 'key2': 'mango', 'key3': 'orange', 'key4': 'peach', 'key5': 'apricot'}
The new dictionary is = {'key1': 'apple', 'key3': 'orange', 'key5': 'apricot'}

This code creates a dictionary (original_dict) and a list of keys to be removed (removing_keys). It then uses a dictionary comprehension to create a new dictionary (new_dict) by iterating over the key-value pairs in the original_dict and including only those pairs where the key is not in the removing_keys list. Finally, it prints both the original and new dictionaries before and after the removal.

It is imperative to know that dictionary comprehension method creates a new dictionary and an original dictionary remains unchanged. If you want to remove specified keys from an original dictionary, consider using other methods we’ve discussed in this article.

Using map() with pop() to Remove Multiple Keys from a Dictionary in Python

Using the map() function in conjunction with the pop() method allows you to efficiently remove multiple keys from a dictionary in Python. This approach creates an iterator that generates the keys you want to remove, and then you can apply the pop() method to those keys. It’s a powerful technique for dictionary manipulation while maintaining code readability.

Here is how you can use the map() method in combination with the pop():

# Create an original dictionary
original_dict = {'key1': 'entechin', 'key2': 'Python', 'key3': 'bootcamp', 'key4': 'elearning' }

# Define a list of keys to be removed
removing_keys = ['key2', 'key4']

# The map() function applies original_dict.pop() to each key in the removing_keys list
iterating_keys = map(original_dict.pop, removing_keys)

# Convert the iterator into a list to execute the pop operations

# Print the original dictionary after removing specified keys
{'key1': 'entechin', 'key3': 'bootcamp'}

In the above code snippet, the map() function creates an iterator called iterating_keys. This iterator applies the original_dict.pop() function to each key in the removing_keys list, effectively removing those keys from the original_dict.

It is worth mentioning here, in Python 3 map() is a lazy evaluation, meaning it will only execute when an iterator is consumed. Therefore, we converted the iterator into a list to trigger the execution of the pop operations. Finally, it prints the original_dict after removing the specified keys.

Using the clear() Method to Empty a Dictionary in Python

You can use the clear() method to remove all the key-value pairs from a dictionary. It removes all the key-value pairs, rendering dictionary completely empty..

original_dict = {'key1': 'entechin', 'key2': 'Python', 'key3': 'bootcamp', 'key4': 'elearning' }

# using clear() method to remove all the keys from dictionary


Once you call the original_dict.empty(), dictionary will be empty with no key-value pair.


In conclusion, the process of deleting multiple keys from a Python dictionary has been demonstrated through efficient techniques like del() and pop(). Additionally, we’ve explored concise one-liner dict comprehension methods along with illustrative examples. By mastering these methods, you’ll not only enhance your ability to manipulate and manage dictionary data effectively but also streamline your Python programming tasks. For any queries, contact us.

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