In Python, a string is just a group of characters we use to store information. Python has a function that helps you to remove newlines from strings. That will make the strings easier to read and use. In Python, we can easily remove newline characters from a string using the replace statement. This is useful if you want to keep a set of data in a combined object but want an even more compact format. You can remove the new line from the string in Python by following the following approaches.
Here is a simple code that removes the new line from any iterable in Python.
*Working on Jupyter Notebook Anaconda Environment Python 3 above version
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Using built-in re.sub() for removing newline from a string in python
By importing the regex module from the Python Library, it became easier to remove the newline from the string. The Pythonic expression to remove the newline from the string works as, in a re.sub() function, passed two arguments, on containing the newline characters, and the other parameter containing the actual string whom newline we need to remove.
Here in the following example, the re.sub() function executes as:
- Import the regex() module from the library.
- Creating a string.
- Create a string that contains a list of patterns that contains the special characters, like newline (\n) or new characters. The regex module searches and match the pattern list with the string and after processing remove the characters from the string.
- Now call the re.sub() function and pass two arguments in it, and store the results in an object. And then print the string.
import re
year = "\r\n2023\n"
# Regex pattern check characters match to the string
pattern = "[\r\n|\n]"
# remove all newline characters from string
Christmas_tree = re.sub(pattern, '', year )
Hereafter removing the newline from the string in Python, the new string is used to draw a pattern for the Christmas tree.
#now utilizing a string in a making a christmas tree of a new year 2023
#initializing row number
rows = 5
#for column processing
col = (2 * rows) - 2
for i in range(0, rows):
for j in range(0, col):
print(end=" ")
col = col - 1
#nested increment loop for each column
for j in range(0, i + 1):
print("*", end=' ')
#print space
rows = 2
for i in range(0, rows):
for j in range(0, rows):
#check on current column and on row
print(end=" ")
#multiply current column and on row
print("", Christmas_tree * (j))
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
Using built-in replace() method to remove the newline from string
The re-module makes it easier to search and remove or replace the newline character from the string in a one-liner regular expression. Re-module does this operation by invoking with sub() function. The special newline character “\n” in a string is replaced with whitespace and thus returning a sentence containing a string.
New_Year= "\nChinese New Year,\n 2023's animal is the Rabbit.\n"
print("Original String:",New_Year)
#this will replace newline character with a whitespace
New_Year = New_Year.replace('\n', '')
print("Modified_String:", New_Year)
Original String:
Chinese New Year,
2023's animal is the rabbit.
Modified_String: Chinese New Year, 2023's animal is the Rabbit.
Using rstrip() method to Remove Newline From String in Python
Invocation of rstrip() results in a string that has a trailing character removed. Taking away white spaces from the “right” side of the string is easier by directly invoking rstrip() function. Shortly, the rstrip() function returns a string without trailing characters.
Here the following example demonstrates how rstrip() make it possible to remove trailing newline character from the string in Python.
# string creating to remove newline from string using strip approach
string_Stripe_function = "\nThe New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.\n\n"
#printing the original string
print("original string:", string_Stripe_function)
# using rstrip approach to remove trailing "\n" character from string
Modified_string = string_Stripe_function.rstrip()
# Print Modified string
print("Modified string:", Modified_string)
original string:
The New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.
Modified string:
The New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.
Using lstrip() method to Remove Newline From String in Python
When lstrip() is invoked, the leading (left) character is removed. The lstrip() function makes it easier to remove the characters from the left side of a string. In our case, the lstrip() function removes the newline from the beginning of the string, resulting in a string without leading characters.
Python’s lstrip() function can be used to remove leading newline characters from strings using the following example.
# string creating to remove newline from string using strip approach
string_Stripe_function = "\nThe New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.\n\n"
#printing the original string
print("original string:", string_Stripe_function)
# using lstrip approach to remove leading "\n" character from string
Modified_string = string_Stripe_function.lstrip()
# Print Modified string
print("Modified string:", Modified_string)
original string:
The New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.
Modified string: The New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.
Using the stripe() method
When strip() is called, the leading (left) and trailing (on the right side) character is stripped from the string. In the example code below, the strip() function stripped the newline character (“\n”) from the beginning and end of the string, resulting in a string without newline (“\n”) characters.
Python’s strip() function can be used to remove trailing and leading newline characters from strings using the following example.
# string creating to remove newline from string using strip approach
string_Stripe_function = "\n \nThe New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.\n\n"
#printing the original string
print("original string:", string_Stripe_function)
# Using Strip approach to remove newline from string
Modified_string = string_Stripe_function.strip()
# Print Modified string
print("Modified string:", Modified_string)
original string:
The New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.
Modified string: The New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.
Using filter() in aggregation with join function method
Another simpler approach to remove a newline from String in Python, using the filter() function in aggregation with the join() function. The execution process executes in the following steps:
- The first step is to create a string containing newline characters (\n).
- Then creating another variable that contains the characters you want to remove.
- After that filter the string from newline characters, and then we’ll get rejoin them using the join() operation and assign it to other variables and print them.
Let’s execute the below example code:
# string creating to remove newline from string using filter approach
string_filter_char = "\nThe New year will be 2023,\n and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.\n\n"
#printing the original string
print("original string:", string_filter_char)
remove_newline = "\n"
# using filter approach, remove all newline characters in string and returns the filtered string
filtered_chars = filter(lambda item: item not in remove_newline,
# Join characters and stored them in modified string
Modified_string = ''.join(filtered_chars)
print("Modified_string:", Modified_string)
original string:
The New year will be 2023,
and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.
Modified_string: The New year will be 2023, and The Chinese New Year's animal is the Rabbit.
Comparison of filter() and stripe approach
filter() approach will remove newline characters from inside, trailing, or leading anywhere from the string. But the strip(), rstrip(), lstrip() when directly invoke in the program does have the ability to remove the newline from inside or between in the string. It has some limitations, it either removes leading, trailing, or both leading/trailing newline characters from the string.
This page almost covered all major approaches and methods about how to remove a newline from the string in Python. The methods are demonstrated on this page with example code and step-by-step descriptions. These methods include the re.sub(), replace(), lstrip(), rstrip(), strip(), and last but not least filter() approach using with join() function. All are above-demonstrated approaches easily support all the computationally expensive problems regarding removing a newline from a string in Python.